Often companies will begin building their next project by calling a realtor to discuss land. This is followed by someone else dealing with dirt and landscaping. One more phone call covers underground services and another is made for building construction. The problem with this process? Each individual company will focus solely on getting their part of the job done, securing only their...
As trivial as insulation may seem, when planning industrial, farm and commercial steel buildings, it can affect a company’s bottom line quite drastically. Properly insulated structures retain heat more efficiently, reduce heating costs and allow for proper thermal resistance. However, not all insulation solutions were created equal. In most situations, careful consideration should be given to...
Every industrial yard construction project begins with a geotechnical report, which identifies challenges and problems. These reports provide data regarding the surface being built on including soil strength, load size the soil can support and how water will affect the yard. These are all important points to consider, as they can prevent common problems before they evolve into costly maintenance...
Why do many large companies lease as opposed to buying their own building? Why do some buy their own building only to have a company like The Reinhart Group lease those same buildings back to them? One reason is capital. Most industrial companies are not in the business of owning buildings. They are in the trucking, pipe, oil, shipping, or manufacturing business. This means they can get an ROI ten...
Many of today’s larger companies house their operations in steel structures. Considering these types of buildings have been around for more than a century, people sometimes think they are outdated. What they don’t realize is that most retail spaces, like Walmart, use steel structures. Retailers then add their branding to change the look and feel of the building. When you walk into a Walmart...
Get into the park The move to an industrial park is a common consideration for many companies working out of steel buildings. There are several strong points in favor of industrial parks and in this article, we will cover off what some of them are. We will also discuss some of the benefits of moving into a park owned by a company where a 1-stop shop for steel building construction exists. Less...
Expansion is on the horizon! It’s finally time to build that brand-new facility for your company. You’ve selected a location and you’ve got a design. But, wait a minute. Exactly how long should it take for the building to go up? You can shorten your wait by selecting a steel structure. Steel structures come pre-engineered, there is generally very little cutting to deal with during the...